A novel similar to James Rollins novels. What is 6174? Its called Kaprekar's constant(discovered by an Indian). It's a mystery number. A novel similar to James Rollins novels. What is 6174? Its called Kaprekar's constant(discovered by an Indian). It's a mystery number. A constant that arises when we take a 4-digit integer, form the largest and smallest numbers from its digits, and then subtract these two numbers. The novel revolve around this number. Book contains lots of Tamil puzzles (decoding தமிழ் வெண்பா for solutions), Physical and chemical references particularly about po rtable GC-MS instrument for analysing sweat samples, X-ray fluorescent Spectrometer, Coelacanth fishes, Lemurians. A well crafted novel by K.Sudhagar. Story starts from Lemuria and travels to Chennai, Trivandrum, Kancheepuram, Lonar (crater impact site, India), Orissa, Myanmar and ends at Mexico. A well written sci- fiction novel and the only difficulty I felt is, in certain segments, prob...